There has been too much negativity around with the US Presidential Election towards its end. So much negative energy has been released to the air through all kinds of unpleasant rhetoric, remarks, violence, lies, arguments, anxiety, confusion etc. all of which are such noises that set our Inner Beings off track; We know a lot of pain must have accumulated and deposited on many people’s solar plexus chakra (around the tip of your stomach), which have to be cleaned and released in order to regain the ability to set forth the next step in life. Dirts have been revealed, they need to be acknowledged – each of us has the shadow dark side of the whole which can be very ugly, we cannot carry them on our back forever and must be released if we want to move forward. We cannot only criticize the dark side of other people but ignore that of our own, we must be brave enough to face them in order to recognize where and what we are held back and let them go, and become grown ups in our future encounters.
While meditating with this healing music, there are the affirmations you can also follow:
I am Love, I am Peace, I am ease and grace!
I am confident, I know where I stand, I know where I want to go.
I am kind towards all beings, I am balanced in nature’s Care.
I thank those who gave me the chance to know more and to grow!
Our minds are innocent faculties, like white paper, whatever words you give them they will just take and become their own to direct the body’s movement; so we want to feed our minds with the highest vibrational energy possible in order to bring us up towards the light, make each other’s life much easier.
With Much Love and Light
and Blessings!
Helen Xinhui Zhu is a visionary, teacher, facilitator of soul awakening and Green Earth Life Initiatives. She provides consultation for Green Earth Life Initiatives for policy makers, and she initiated and is organizing the New Earth New Life Walking Meditation Network, hosting the New Earth New Life Golden Phoenix Forum. For more details, please visit our website
Books involved written: 2 in 1 in 2 The Supreme Revelation (Part I and Part II); Stop Stop Stop undust the common sense of timeless wisdom – transformational initiatives to the Green Earth Life. visit the store page for more details about the books.
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