Statesmanship Is in Desperate Need in Today’s World

Immediately after the unexpected Brexit vote, anger from EU lead to their prompt demands for UK to trigger Article 50 and ‘leave’ as quick as possible. With all the after-shocks coming in succession, Britain was like a naughty child who was completely shocked by his mistake and asked mum for forgiveness, but the Mum ‘EU’ was so annoyed by her child’s ‘misbehavior’ and wanted to punish the child. And We could feel the tension there in the air. Even though it sounded a bit relief from an early remark made by German Chancellor Merkel ‘no need to be nasty on Brexit Talk’, her recent new remark seemed trying to issue an verdict ‘Brexit is irreversible and hopes for a U-turn are ‘wishful thinking’.

As usual, we see the limitations of human flesh being exposed to a full extent – bitterness invokes revenge, anger triggers blames, selfishness and narrow mindedness take advantage to make gains through exploiting fears and hatred, and fellow humans come to ‘throw stones down the well’ after an accidental fall of someone, and to make it worse some others in similar conditions fail in resisting the outside gravity pull therefore slipping down along the same path. etc. etc.

As humans, we all have emotions, limitations of the physical flesh, but at the first waves of wakening sea we also realize that we are empowered to walk beyond the flesh limitations and to abandon our habitual reactions to the emotions triggered by our mind speculations.

Brexit happened at the right moment of historic time of human development to serve as a thunderbolt that explosively exhibits the clashes between individualism and collectivism, and also to serve as an momentum for politicians to have a close-up review of current public governance and policies, it is an urgent call for those in governing positions to find the point on the equilibrium to make a balance in keeping the wholeness of individual entities, parts in a harmonious fit in the wholeness of a larger entity and the Human collective Oneness. To do it well, it requires most of politicians to grow up and to embrace the new statesmanship in governance.

by definition, statesmanship is the quality and capacity for a politician to exhibit great wisdom and ability in directing the affairs of a government or in dealing with important public issues.

This ‘great wisdom’ is contingent to the human’s collective consciousness of the Timeless Wisdom, the Absolute Truth, which is the Law of Nature expressed in the four Creation Principles (ref: 2 in 1 in 2 the Supreme Revelation Part II, the Decoding); to apply statesmanship in governance in today’s politics means an application of the Four creation principles (Abundance of life forms, unconditional love, freedom and equality) into public policy making to achieve a balance in the equilibrium of life on earth.

At this time of great awakening, history making, a large proportion of people in the wakening waves are well aware and become very uncomfortable of the old way of thinking, old way of politics and out of date social systems, and become a leading force to change all the odds, which lay extra challenges for today’s politicians to catch up with their approach in governance, and require them to transform from the usual politicians to statesmen (When we say ‘statesman’, we refer to all humans engaged in politics to distinguish from all other life forms).

Polls in Britain after the Brexit shows more than 70% people feel today’s government does not represent their interest,,
and there are similar polling opinions in America


Politicians are first human beings, as human beings they are allowed bearing flesh limitations, having emotions playing out, making mistakes, but to govern the awakened masses towards an enlightened human society, they are not entitled to dwell in their old status quo doing politics as usual out of emotional reactions, instead they are required to stand and being engaged within a larger sphere which capsules their immediate communities to recognize both sides of the hill, therefore institute policies that would benefit people who stand at both sides of the hill to facilitate the advancement of the whole sphere meanwhile being in the motion of progression of the collective humanity.

It sounds a very challenging and delicate task, isn’t it? After all human species are very complicated, sophisticated creatures with many facets, any coarse approach in a simple ruling like in the past of human history does not work any more, and any attempt in over-expression of either individuality or collectivism in public policies can only induce disharmony therefore cause conflicts and chaos in the society. The current upheaval all over the world is a strong calling for an overhaul of all the social systems which have been operating for hundreds even thousands of years. The Rule of Law is definitely not guided by the laws made by human’s mind out of emotional struggles, but the Heavenly Law which existed before even the human species came into being. And all the politicians currently on your various posts should not feel scared or hopeless, on the contrary you should feel thrilled and honored to be offered the opportunities for being part of and contributing to this massive movement of human consciousness evolution.
How can these values and beliefs be translated into daily policies and governance?

All the aftershocks just showed how unreliable the human’s mind can be if let alone to make decisions even if it means it may bring damages to its own – it seeks revenge, it seeks dominance and it seeks punishment. Most of all the mind creates illusions, separations, dramas and easily becomes deluded by its own creations, entrenched by its own created boxes. And all these simply tell that an enlightened human society has to be governed by enlightened beings who can be any of the current politicians but with their souls standing up and always let the Four creation principles guide their actions.

After all this is about the ascension journey of humanity from lower dense reality of the mind to higher light realm of spirituality which would in time activate all the qualities of goodness human beings had been bestowed at birth.
Therefore a practical approach –

A pause for self-awareness, self-evaluation, and trust in the Divine Nature of goodness for all is a must be, keeping a balance between selfishness and selflessness in decision making, then bravely take actions when you are ready! OR be honest to yourself, if you feel you are not in the position to fulfill this whole process to make you awakening, instead uncomfortably struggling, then take a long break to have yourself replenished – this does not mean you are running away, only means this is not your time yet to embrace this shift, you may come back later when you feel ready again! Just remember ‘Love Yourself, Love Others and Love All That Is’ will stop you further down the striving path!
At this particular historic moment whence the collective consciousness of humanity is in the process of being pulled upwards/moving forward, it is notably important that each of earth citizens be aware that this upward journey although happens in a rapid speed in the sense of human history it would also, by the Divine Promise, ensure to shower upon the paths of each individual human beings for the maximum awakening, which implies each human being has their own path and timing in this ascension journey and requires each us fellow humans to be patient to each other.
God Bless All!

Helen Xinhui Zhu is a visionary, teacher, facilitator of soul awakening and Green Earth Life Initiatives. She provides consultation for Green Earth Life Initiatives for policy makers, and she initiated and is organizing the New Earth New Life Walking Meditation Network, hosting the New Earth New Life Golden Phoenix Forum. For more details, please visit our website

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